Friday, June 3, 2011

Long Day

Wednesday was a long day. A lot of things went wrong. At one point I opened my eyes while laying on the trail with a helmet as a pillow to see Mark and Jeff Kane both peering over me with a little more than vague concern. Mark still with Hello Kitty band-aids in his hands, Jeff with a sealed bottle of orange Vitamin Water near my face but sideways to me. I looked from one set of curious, slightly alarmed eyes to the other twice before we all three started laughing, hard.

I had fallen moments before. Not really fallen so much as flown. Over the handlebars. Onto the asphalt trail (hey at least it was paved most of that day). I didn't stick the landing. Instead I slid knees, palms, elbows to the pavement. OUCH!

I stood up and checked myself over as blood started to run down my leg and tried to convince Mark, who was riding at the back of the group with me, that I could handle it myself. About 15 seconds later I was sitting on the pavement while he patched me up. Then I was leaning against the pavement while he patched me up. Then I was laying on the pavement and Jeff Kane had made it back to help patch me up. Then I'm not sure what happened. Then I opened my eyes to the boys with the Vitamin Water. I didn't lose consciousness but I did lose a few seconds.

But there was still a lot of daylight left and a long way to go so, back up on the bike. It needed the chain put back on and we adjusted the brakes. And then we were off!...That was the second mile of the day. Only 40+ miles, a major thunder storm, a flat, another crash and ridiculous wind for the last 20 miles of the day, to go.

It was a crazy trip but we were being crazy because we know Holy work when we see it. After all, isn’t a huge part of being a Christian caring for your community, holding up those who need support, tending the vulnerable and injured and moving forward stronger with the support of community all in the name of Jesus’ call to go out and make disciples of all the nations?Being outdoors matters to youth, being involved in vibrant ministry as a young adult matters, training vital leaders matters. And being supported by your church matters, Wednesday proved that-personally for me. Let's feed the roots of leadership in Upstate New York!