Thursday, April 21, 2011

Maundy Thursday April 21, 2011

Last year or the year before, we changed Maundy Thursday from footwashing, a literal cleansing, to a healing service, one that is about a more spiritual kind of cleansing. I want to tell you why:

When I was a child, there was an environmental crisis that was drilled into our little minds, the ozone layer had holes in it and they were growing! Depending on who and where you were at the time you probably heard this news in different ways.

But for us, little kids in school, this was terrifying and we were given all kinds of things that we could do, and encourage our parents and grandparents, in order to do to address it. So we did them!

As a society we addressed those problems. We Reduced, we Reused and we Recycled. We stopped using dangerous aerosols, we even made legislation to make sure companies did a better job manufacturing in safe ways and creating better, safer, healthier for the world, products. This work is far from done but those holes in the ozone that we were watching so closely? They began to shirk! They are actually healing.

Our very world, God’s very creation can be healed.

And it can be healed through the efforts of the people of God. Very often that is how God’s good and healing work is done. By our hands.

But there was some disturbing news from the science world this spring, just like a patient whose cancer came back, there is a new and troubling hole in the ozone and the healing work needs to be done all over again. We need healing again, our very world needs healing again.

It seems like that is the way with healing though, we heal and then something breaks again, we find new life and then we experience death. Over and over again.

And when we say life and death in the church we don’t always mean the one, once and for all thing. We talk about new life as renewal, little new lives like the beginning of a new chapter of life, the accomplishment of a goal, the start of a relationship, the conquering of an obstacle, a birth, even just that general feeling of success and happiness like everything is going alright.

And likewise when we say death we often mean the smaller things-or the big ones-but not necessarily the literal kind. The experience of loss or failure, the feeling that things just aren’t going right, a battle with an illness, the loss of a loved one, or the loss of a part of yourself, failure, pain, depression, lostness.

Death like that happens over and over again. And we need healing over and over again,it is just as natural as our other needs, food, water, safety and companionship. Though we eat, we get hungry again, though we sleep, we get tired again, though we wash we get dirty again, though sometimes we feel filled with life, we experience death again.

I think that is why those needs are highlighted in our lessons for tonight and the reason that the signs that God gives us are so human and repetitive. They are things we need over and over again. Our promises from God are all related to everyday living and human need.

So that we are reminded that just as we never cease to need food and water, protection and cleansing, we never cease to need a God who provides those things.

In the same way that sometimes I might not be very hungry, but there are other times when it seems like I am fed and fed and it is never enough, Jesus shared the passover meal in our gospel with his disciples, promising to always be present in it, to feed them whenever they were hungry.

And in the same way that sometimes I feel shiny and clean but there are other times when I scrub and scrub, my heart and soul and mind, and I still feel, slow and sticky and mired and stuck in the mud, Jesus gave water for baptism as a sign of cleansing and then washed his disciples’ feet in our gospel tonight in remembrance of the type of cleansing that can wash off even the worst feeling, the worst experience, the worst pain, once and for all.

And just as sometimes I feel like I am perfectly fine, better than fine but other times I feel like I’ll never see the light of day again because of whatever it is that is keeping me bound, God gave us so many signs of healing and deliverance that we can’t help but see ourselves in one of them:

from the Israelites being freed from slavery, and safe from all plagues in our old testament lesson
to Jesus’ healing of a man born blind,
His healing of a woman bleeding for 12 years,
His healing of a child dead too soon and of her parents’ pain,
His raising a friend buried in a tomb
His call to the little children to come
His promise to the widow of care and companionship
to His comfort to the publicans and centurions in their vocational doubts

And finally to His own resurrection and new life even after terrible death.

You know from signs in your own life, that deaths, literal and figurative, lurk around each corner, that we all sit and pray in Gethsemane with Jesus,
that darkness does fall and the alters of out lives are stripped bare

and so you know, you need, new life, over and over again. And God provides it in our own bodies and minds, in our families and homes, in the midst of our own tombs, even in the world around us.

So tonight come to the alter with whatever you carry, and receive prayers for whatever death in you is seeking new life and come to the table and be fed with the bread of life,

and then watch the darkness fall and the alter be stripped bare knowing that every time this happens in this place and in your own life, every time there is pain, fear and death, they happen in sure and certain hope that Easter, ---Easter which carries with it cleansing, healing and new life are always, just around the corner. Thanks be to God! Amen!

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